August 07, 2006

Administrative Mondays

Anyone who visits my other team blog, Teri & Tom’s Blog, knows that I have turned the content over to the Purple Man in my life. Yep, this allows me to focus on Purple WomenTM & Friends (did ya notice the new title?). Tom is never at a loss for words – he has that Irish gift. I will continue to support him officially as Goddess of Images and Sidebar Wench (I know just enough HTML to make me dangerous). I now limit myself to contributing an image once a week on Wordless Wednesdays. I learned about this blog fun from Twiga.

As a blog team administrator, it always makes me nervous to see someone using the Anonymous label, because I’ve noticed that people say the most libelous things under that cover. To me, here in this space at least, it is all about the dialogue and the quality of it. That’s why anonymous comments are allowed on this blog. It affords a broader range of participation. It’s a calculated risk, tempered only by the Ground Rules in the sidebar.

Thanks to feedback I’ve had via direct emails, I’ve come to realize that it is not obvious to a reader that you can select a blog handle within without registering. You can actually be a different blogger with each comment, or use the same pseudonym on return visits, so we can get to know you through your comments. How? Click through to the Comments form (# comments link under the post) and select the “Other” option.

Post BlogHer (the blog conference with 700+ women bloggers held in San Jose, California last month), I have a number of ideas swirling around in my head. Attending this conference has helped to introduce our topic and our blog to a new cross section of women. A Silicon Valley Moms blog contributor told me they intend to put us in their blog roll, for example. How cool is that? I am telling all my mom friends.

We are approaching the true one-year anniversary of Purple WomenTM. I started blogging on June 30, 2005 and this blog was started in September that same year. I want to check in with my team members first, but you can expect a future post on where we’ve been and where we’re heading.

[Photo: Taken at Union Station in Toronto, Ontario.]


Anonymous said...

Jill here from Silicon Valley Moms Blog.

I wanted to let you know that we did indeed add you to our blogroll - because we really do like your site and feel that it is important to share that as women, we have the CHOICE to have children or not...

I actually struggled which blogroll (we have a few) on our sit and decided to list it under "Moms Sites from the US and Beyond". I figured that you talk about NOT being a parent, and many moms who search our site look at this blogroll first. I think it is so important that we as mothers respect the many choices we all make...

Jill Asher
Co-Founder, Silicon Valley Moms Blog

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill - Thanks for the endorsement, that's what links are after all!

After cruising around your site, I was wondering where you were going to stick us. Hmmmm, I guess we'd fit into the Beyond part of the "Moms Sites from the US and Beyond"? Don't be surprised if you get some feedback on that, like "did you know this is a non-mom site"? Maybe a category for Non-Moms & Mom-Friendly Sites -- could include Dad's sites too!

I've added PW Friends to our sidebar. That's where you'll find SV Moms among others. The one thing I was reminded of at the blogging conference is that it is good to be generous with linking. You make more friends that way. It increases chance of discovery.

Teri Tith
Founder, Blogger & Aspiring Author
Purple Women (we're childfree)