August 28, 2006

Purple Stuff

When I was in California last month, I picked up the local paper and noticed an ad for Grandma Purple. If you love the color purple, you have got to check this out.

She has created a most amazing collection of everything purple under the sun. Purple Duct Tape is a hot seller, and she has paired it with a The Duct Tape Book (um, it has a purple cover).

I had the opportunity to speak to her by phone last week and we explored ways to collaborate. She is offering readers of this blog a 10% discount on their first purchase, and that includes sale items gals. To take her up on this offer, contact her by email directly as the discount is applied manually. Shipping to places other than the U.S. can be specially arranged.

Mention this blog and you'll also receive your very own Purple Woman! button. Just what you've always wanted, eh?

Grandma Purple says she supports our site and fully believes in a woman's ability and right to choose her own life. She is a proponent of women supporting other women in their endeavours. I think we should all adopt her.

Personally, I am thinking about the Purple Laptop Cover. The Purple Leather Products look divine. Okay, maybe you don't need Purple Daisy Toilet Paper and Tissues, but I think everyone should have a Pie Serving Tool in the shape of a shoe, don't you? You'll find it in the "Not Purple But Fabulous" section. Purple, as we know from the famous poem "Warning" by Jenny Joseph, is a state of mind...and these items qualify as purple through association.

Grandma Purple collaborates with the Purple Store on an adult literacy program. Anyone who purchases a book from their site is also donating to the cause. We can admire her collaborative spirit. Plus, it's a lot of fun.

We all have Grandma Purple to thank!

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Anonymous said...

Awesome! Love her stuff! Actually, I have another idea for a product. I came across it the first time at my fav independent bookstore in San Diego, Mysterious Galaxy, it's a Paperback Cover. It's called Hardbacker and guess what? I have one in purple... LOL

Anonymous said...

Tanja - Hey thanks my book-loving friend in Switzerland!

Next time I am in San Diego, I plan to stop buy...much more fun in person to visit a book store.

I hope Grandma Purple can add this one to her collection.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! :-) Make sure to check out the Mysterious Galaxy website before you go to San Diego - they do have lots of author events. When I was there last time, I met Diane Mott Davidson. And I know that Laurell K. Hamilton and Kim Harrison were just there in July. It's really worth to check it out!

RHAM said...
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RHAM said...

For women who love the color purple, RedHatsandMore.Com offers a wide selection of purple apparel, purple hats and purple accessories!

RedHatsandMore.Com also provides purple party tips and ideas!