March 14, 2006

Book Review: Baby Not on Board

Baby Not on Board: A celebration of Life Without Kids by Jennifer L. Shawne is a cute tongue-in-cheek book of childfree humor featuring questionnaires to help you determine
1)if you are ready to announce your childfree status
2)if you are a cool aunt or uncle
3)if your biological clock is really ticking or you just need to buy a cuddly gerbil.

Included are clever sections on how to identify and catch a non-breeder, throw an unbaby shower, and leave a legacy that's truly your own. Strangely, there is a whole section titled "Other Peoples Children" offering babysitting tips which explain just what to do if you never want to be asked to babysit again. Personally, it feels a little passive/aggressive to me. How about just saying "No" the next time someone asks? Of course that wouldn't be as funny, and this book is all about the fun.

The tone of Baby Not On Board is gleefully childfree, packed with illustrations of smug childfree folks with cocktails in their hands. Apparently, the childfree are drinkers and will avoid contact with children at all costs. Guilty on the first count. I love my wine, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the child-hater stereotype which is why this book made me want to laugh and cry. Hey, I actually like kids. I just don't want to own one, okay.

I would recommend this book as a gift to your childfree partner or someone who has newly embraced their childfree status. Pair it with champagne and blowfish sushi.



Anonymous said...

OMG -- Laura, welcome! I have to tell you when I clicked through to view what you had done with your Blogger Profile, I found myself laughing out loud at your answer to The Question they gave you...(just click on a contributors name in the sidebar to see what I mean).

Thanks for putting up the book review. I gave it a quick mention in December. I am thinking about added the author's blog to the sidebar. She has a lot of time to research and seek out childfree news and issues.

Green Stone said...

I picked up the book, made me laugh. Cute drawings! I love the "Your ____" "Your ____ with kids."