December 27, 2006

The Little Girl Who Came to Dinner

Kids say the darndest things. I have a story to tell that involves a little girl who came to dinner with her parents last month. She is cute as a button, a future prima ballerina, and all of three and a half years old. Her parents don't seem to curb her much and I really had to hold my tongue a few times.

We currently live in my mother-in-law's house, the house my husband grew up in. This lady was known to many as grandma and there are toys all over the place to prove it. Some of the toys at this house are genuine antiques, the likes of which have never been seen by the current generation of kids. We were rather hoping that if we introduced our friend's daughter to some of these toys that she would settle down and entertain herself. No such luck. She expected us to give her all our attention, and she got worse as the evening went on.

At dinner she busted my chops for giving her a paper napkin instead of a nice cloth napkin like the adults had. She spilled her water glass all over the table and I was never so grateful for the custom table cover as not a drop of water got through to the beautiful wood underneath. After dinner, my husband and the little girl's father sought refuge by remaining in their seats and talking amongst themselves on their favorite topics of hunting and fishing. I was left to clearing the table and to entertaining our little guest. I didn't really like the separation of sexes. I felt as if I was in a Victorian era time warp and that the men might pull out stogies at any time.

I have to stop myself here and say something positive about this child. Our little guest tried everything on her plate without a fuss. That really impressed me and my husband as our nieces and nephews are the most finicky on the planet.

The child's mother told her that there would be no dessert if she did not finish her plate, which I thought was a good disciplinary move; however, I couldn't help notice that she did not finish her place and the child got dessert anyway. I guess you have to pick your battles. After dessert and coffee, her mother then suggested we put on music so she could dance for us in the living room. I politely acquiesced. Big mistake. She danced for us and at first it was really cute, then she wouldn't allow us to talk during the performance.

The most surprising thing that happened on this social experiment of an evening was a conversation my husband had with the little girl when I was out of the room. He said she was standing next to him in the kitchen, staring at him for the longest time. He could tell there was a big question forming in her little brain. Then she blurted out:

"Why don't you have children?"
This made him smile as he replied, "We do have children. We have lots of nieces and nephews."

Perhaps this was not the most direct and honest answer, but it seemed to satisfy her at the time. It must have seemed strange to her that we were surrounded by toys and not children. As my husband I reflected on the evening the next day, trying to think through how we could have made the evening any better, we realized we may be the only childfree adults this little girl has ever been around.

As hosts, we felt we should have served dinner earlier, as it may have been much past the child's normal dinner hour. Her mother could have had a better plan for this too. I am sure the whole evening had them off her normal routines, which are very important for little ones. A new mother doesn't always know these things nor how to coordinate with a hostess. If my mother-in-law had been present I am sure she would have offered this sage advice. As a childfree adult, I kept my mouth shut.

This whole episode in my life reminds me of Twiga's post, Friendships, which addressed the awkwardness Purple-minded folks sometimes experience when mingling with their childed friends .

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Kara said...

It's funny,the have kids people vs the no kids people, truth is, what you might think of as rudeness or not being disciplined is often just a child becoming independent. Like the napkin thing, she just wanted to be like the grown ups...but to you, might have seemed rude behavior. What it called for was her mother to tell her how to ask politely for a "big girl" napkin instead of doing it the way she did. Parenthood is like alot of things, you dont become an expert just because you have filled that position. It's a learn as you go thing. Hard when you havn't been there to understand all the things a kid and a parent goes through. As a parent, it becomes hard to realize that some people don't think certain things are 'cute'. We tend to put up with alot when it comes to our own families.

Anonymous said...

Right, right! It was interesting just to witness the whole show. I definitely felt out of control over how the evening was going. She controlled everything. There were little struggles going on all night.

Thanks for your comment. My hat is off to you for being a single Mom.

bonsai said...

I agree with Karamia that the napkin thing was totally just the little girl trying to be more grown-up, which is totally normal and wonderful...can't fault her for asking (although hopefully she wasn't too demanding).

But the fact that she demanding constant attention from the adults, despite a houseful of toys? This kind of relentless child-centeredness seems to be a more recent development in the history of childrearing. I adore my niece and nephew, but I recognize a lot about them in this story. Particularly since they're twins and therefore have a built-in "playmate" capability, one would think that they'd play independently more, but there's always an adult tie-in, it seems.

This is not the children's doing, but rather their parents'. It's just another example of the child-must-always-be-entertained mindset that leads to video monitors in the back of minivans. Whatever happened to daydreaming? Some of my most pleasant memories of childhood was looking out the window in the car, or just zoning out a bit.

Not "allowing" the adults to speak during her performance? Sorry...that's where her parents should have stepped in. Having children "join in" an social visit is wonderful; having them be the hothouse-flower sole focus of it is something quite different.

Stasha said...

One of the primary reasons my husband and I remain childfree is our kid tolerance is almost embarrassingly low. My personal tolerance for “annoying” behavior is virtually non-existent, and the persistence of a child tests that in truly incredible ways. The way I try to refer to it when I have to excuse myself when my husband or sometimes a niece or nephew if getting on my nerves is “they’re not being annoying, I’m being annoyed.” I realize that there is a difference, and it’s often not their fault. That said, I’ve noticed many of the parents in my life simply don’t understand, though, that even on a normal level not everyone is going to find every tiny little thing that the kids do is charming. I addressed this on my blog bit in a recent post about my personal holiday experience… I try to be more tolerant, and my point of no return is certainly getting more manageable, but while I do enjoy children in small doses (I can’t say that I unequivocally don’t like kids), I get bored and irritated with them (and many adults, to be honest) quickly.

Anonymous said...

It's important to know yourself. It's also important to know how much you're willing to work to salvage a relationship.

I certainly didn't want to tell the parents how to parent. I'd rather just not invite them again. Not unless I felt there were other children or guests to distract the child-centered direction the last evening took. I really wanted to see how the young parents would handle it on their own and how they would work as a team. They didn't and there were many factors why.

I feel I should cut this dialogue off here because I don't want this site to be about good parenting and bad parenting. It was just an interesting evening; one I would rather not re-create.