November 28, 2006

Purple Women in the News

In today's Washington Post. One of my Purple WomenTM informants read this with her morning coffee:

“I chose not to seek medical help or look for a sperm donor. Nor have I made myself a mother through adoption. Instead, I've come to see myself as part of a growing phenomenon -- one to which people often don't know how to respond.”
Childless: Some by Chance, Some by Choice
I Lost a Baby -- and Found A Community of Women Who Won't Be Mothers
By Nancy Rome
Special to The Washington Post
Tuesday, November 28, 2006; Page HE01

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1 comment:

Laura S. Scott said...

I've met quite a number of women who where unable to have children and decided not to pursue adoption or fertility treatments.
Some now identify as childfree, others are in the process of discovering that there is life after infertility, or in Romes tragic case, a stillborn birth.
The majority of these women have found many other wonderful outlets for their energies, including nurturing themselves.