March 04, 2007

Proud to be Purple Day

Sometimes a little red
full of passion
Sometimes a little blue
sad and serious
The color of the early night sky
or fresh and fun like posies and plums
A symbol of royalty
of ceremony
I am sometimes powerful
I am Purple

Special thanks to aka JeSais for permission to re-post her 2001 creation in honor of our first holiday. She made this art before I had even concieved of this blog and book project. I think I may have found the original Purple Woman!

It is nice to know we have readers and that what we are doing here registers with someone. Without comments or the occasional email as feedback we don't know how we are doing or how we can improve. If this site registers with you, please tell a friend. Send them a link.

There were no formal entries for the photo contest, thus no winners, no cash prizes, no purple duct tape, and no donations to women's charities. The poem and image above were worth the effort alone.

I know Purple WomenTM are out there making a difference -- living full lives. This holiday was created to celebrate our state of being. I am open to your ideas for how to celebrate next year. Please email Teri directly.

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