July 31, 2006

BlogHer and the Purple Woman

How best to capture how absolutely amazing it was to be at BlogHer - the second annual conference of women bloggers in San Jose, California over the weekend? I was among 750 women who blog about their passions and their politics (WomenMatter)…women who want to change the world, and women who have changed the world with their words and actions.

One of the most amazing things that happened was that the first woman I met said, "I've read your blog".

It was a particular thrill meet our very own Chase in person. I still don't know how she found me in the crowd that gathered for the final session which featured Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post on a panel leading a discussion about “losing the fear” and gettin’ bloggy with it. I also attended sessions about online Community-Building, and three panels: Blogging about Sensitive Issues, Gender and Identity Issues, and Team Blogging.

The organizers, Elise, Lisa and Jory did an excellent job of creating and fostering a sense of sharing and collaboration and I thought their sponsors were well-chosen. I got to meet gals from Technorati, a service that has greatly enhanced our blog’s exposure, and learn about BlogBurst, an emerging way to syndicate blogs through major online media outlets. You will notice we have joined a beta test for MeCommerce, from the new bookstore in the sidebar. Also met a gal from Dogster.com and Catster.com and I am hoping we can explore a future collaboration, given the number of us who adore our “child-substitutes”.

One of the most amazing things that happened was that the first woman I met said, "I've read your blog". She works for a company that has pioneered a new FDA-approved permanent, non-invasive contraceptive for women. I am researching it now and a story is forthcoming.

I wrapped things up by having dinner with three food bloggers and a Canadian. There were overwhelming numbers of mommy bloggers present, but I managed to find the Purple WomenTM among them, including Sue from Guelph, Ontario who does the Breast of Canada calendar and writes an edu-blog about Menopause.

It’s great to be in California. Luckily there’s been a break in the extreme heat. Hope your summer is going swimmingly!

Next week: Specific take-aways from the conference, as they apply to this blog, and where we're heading. Please give me some feedback and help me create a vision that we all want to be a part of.

Technorati Tag: BlogHer


kT said...

Can't wait to hear more about the new BC.

BlogHer sounds GREAT.

Anonymous said...

Kt - Working on it. Now I think it's going to be a series. There's just so much information and ways to approach it. I don't want my posts to be too long or no one will read them!