July 13, 2006

Change is Good

It bears repeating:

There are a lot of negative spaces out there where the childfree gather online and use derogatory terms for parents and their children. It was my intention to create something different, something more respectful and deserving of respect and consideration by a broader audience. Social change is a lofty goal and it takes time. Contributors and commenters here are part of that change.

We are undergoing some changes here on the blog team and I wanted to say a public thank you to NikkiJ, NomadShan, and Boxing Tomboy for their contributions. Though they are leaving the team, their personal blogs will remain in the sidebar. I am grateful that they spent some time with us here to share their personal experiences of being childfree.

Change is good. And hey, let's face it, we're childfree and we have lots of other interests!

If you are interested in becoming a Contributor to the Purple WomenTM blog, please get in touch with Teri. We all reap the rewards of collective wisdom.

Next post: Taking a Stand

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Stasha said...

I mean no disrespect to the remaining contributors by any means, but I must say I'm disappointed that some of the strongest writers in the group will no longer be a part of Purple Women. I have enjoyed reading their posts a great deal, and while the remaining and new contributors will help fill the void, I think it's important in a community such as this one to have a large, diverse group of women writing, not just a small group.

I simply don't understand the benefit of limiting the number of contributors to such a small number, especially when the goal is to post daily. I like to think there's room for everyone who is interested to contribute instead of a couple of core women carrying the site. I will continue to read and comment because I think this is an important site, but I wanted to say my piece.

Anonymous said...

Tiarra Lynn - I understand and agree. I am doing the best I can as a first time blog team administrator.

I also think diversity is important; yet it is only one of the criteria of being a contributor to Purple Women. We have a cross-section of sigle vs. married, age range, regional locations, religious practice, etc.

Our contributors should reflect our readership, which is global. Click on the Geo Visitors icon at the bottom of the sidebar and you will see pin points of who has been reading this blog in the last 24 hours. An amazing bit of free technology.

If you would like to know more about it, I will send you the two-page document I've used to explain the expectations and guidelines that apply. I don't ask for a signature on it, and I don't pay. It is assumed that if you become a contributor after reading it, you agree to follow them.