June 29, 2006

Purple Men Do Exist

Purple men do exist. I am married to one, but I don't think I'll trademark the term Purple MenTM anytime soon.

Somehow it just doesn't have the same appeal for menfolk. That doesn't mean that their thoughts and opinions are not welcome here. Parents (we all know one or two) and those on the fence about kids are also welcome.

I found this gem of a post on a new blog and I think we should all encourage him to write more on the subject and visit us often. (I can't help but say I know a few single childfree women who would just love to meet him!)

As of today, we have had exactly two brave men leave a comment here.

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Robin said...

Well considering society understands why men don't want to have children (various reasons) it's different. Women are supposed to be maternal and feel the need to be a mother. In some ways men are still seen as they were decades ago...as the man to go out and work and bring home the bacon.

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to also manage to find myself a completely childfree guy (of course, it took a bunch of money and a 4000 mile move to be able to marry him!). It's wonderful to not need to worry about any pressure to have kids - he doesn't want them, my family supports our decision not to, and his family lives too far away to keep asking for them :)

Britgirl said...

And I've had one comment on a childfree post on my blog!! It is nice to hear their voices.

Shannon Morgan said...

Thanks for the link to that post, Teri! I commented there - hopefully he'll visit us here...